Nauvoo Neighbor

The Love of Christ Will Never Fail Us

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This is the 460th week, and we’re covering the General Relief Society session of the October 2006 General Conference.

Whelp, this is definitely a session with a very, very clear theme.

Eternally Encircled in His Love by Sister Bonnie D. Parkin

Remembering the Lord’s Love by Kathleen H. Hughes

And then in comes Sister Anne C. Pingree with a little bit of tough love to go with it:

That very will to go forward toward our Savior sometimes requires on-the-spot repentance… We draw closer to the Savior as we encircle others in loving arms. Or we don’t. We balm emotional or physical wounds. Or we don’t. We look at each other with a loving rather than a critical eye. Or we don’t. We ask forgiveness for harm we have caused, even if it was unintended. Or we don’t. We do the hard spiritual work of forgiving those who have given us offense. Or we don’t. We quickly correct our errors or oversights in personal relationships when we become aware of them. Or we don’t.

The love of Christ will indeed never fail us, if only we remember to rely on it.

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