A Loose Collection of Quotes

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This is the 252nd week, and we’re covering the General Priesthood meeting of the April 1990 General Conference

There were a lot of talks (seven) during this session, and I didn’t pick up on much of a unifying theme or any one particular talk that really stood out. So, for this week, here are some snippets from a few of the talks that stood out to me.

The Library of the Lord

[T]he Doctrine and Covenants [is] the book that will never be closed.

The Aaronic Priesthood: Return With Honor 

Do you know how to recognize a true friend? A real friend loves us and protects us.

The Motorcycle Ride

I know that this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God. I just didn’t plan to be this close so early.

Who is a True Friend? 

My young friends, you don’t have to reject your friends who are on the wrong path; you don’t even have to give them up necessarily. You can be their caring friend, ready to help them when they are ready to be helped. You can talk to them and lift them and bear your testimony to them. Lead them by example.

But don’t ever be led into displeasing your Father in Heaven by your friends who might ask that as a condition of being your friend, you must choose between their way and the Lord’s way.

Keeping the Temple Holy

Loyalty to leadership is a cardinal requirement of all who serve in the army of the Lord. A house divided against itself cannot stand. (See Mark 3:25.) Unity is basic and essential. Declared the Lord, “If ye are not one ye are not mine.” (D&C 38:27.) Failure to sustain those in authority is incompatible with service in the temple.

Other posts from this week’s General Conference Odyssey:

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